§ 6.04.6620. Design review procedures.  

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  • The review of projects for architectural and site plan design is an integral part of the development approval process. Each development permit application (including all associated plans and elevations) shall be reviewed to ensure that the application is consistent with: the purpose/intent of this section; all applicable development standards/regulations of this ordinance; and any adopted design guidelines/policies that may apply. In addition, applications for minor modifications, minor variances, variances, minor conditional use permits and conditional use permits are also subject to design review whenever any physical alteration/construction is proposed.


    Department Action. Design review is initiated when the department receives a complete application package including all required attachments, plans, specifications, elevations, sample materials, etc. as specified in the application form and any additional information required by the director in order to conduct a thorough review of the proposed project.

    Upon receipt of a complete application Department staff shall conduct a review of the location, design, site plan configuration and effect of the proposed development by comparing the project plans to established development standards/regulations and design guidelines/policies. In general, development proposals will be reviewed considering criteria including, but not limited to, the following:


    Compliance with this section and all other applicable city ordinances;


    Desirable site layout and design;


    Compatibility with neighboring property/development;


    Efficiency and safety of public access and parking;


    Appropriate open space and use of water efficient landscaping;


    Consistency with the general plan; and


    Consistency with adopted design guidelines and design review policies.


    Reference to design guidelines/policies. In reviewing development/improvements subject to design review, the director shall refer to any design guidelines/policies that have been adopted by the council/commission in order to provide guidance to applicants seeking to comply with the requirements of this section. The council/commission may amend the design guidelines/policies whenever it deems it appropriate in order to carry out the purpose/intent of this section. Copies of any adopted design guidelines/ policies shall be available to the public at the department.

    The adopted design guidelines are to be used by property owners, developers, architects, landscape architects, and designers in the planning and design of projects in the city. The design guidelines communicate the desired qualities and characteristics of development, and are intended to promote quality design that is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and implement the general plan. The design guidelines/policies are used by city staff, the commission, and the council as adopted criteria for the review of development proposals subject to design review.


    Department Recommendation. Following completion of its review of a proposed project, department staff shall provide a written statement of findings/recommendations to the Review authority for its consideration simultaneously with a development permit, minor modification, minor variance, variance, minor conditional use permit or conditional use permit. Department staff may recommend approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of a project. The report containing findings, recommendations and conditions, shall also be forwarded to the applicant prior to consideration by the review authority.

    Where the findings/recommendations of the staff may substantially alter a proposed development, the applicant may be requested to submit revised plans at the discretion of the director.


    Preliminary design concept review. The director may require that a project applicant submit design concept plans for preliminary design review prior to submittal of a formal application for a project deemed significant by the director. The purpose of the preliminary consultation is to advise the project applicant of applicable design guidelines, design review policies, and other specific design criteria that may affect the design of the project.