Article IV. Administration  

§ 6.04.50. Introduction.
§ 6.04.5001. Introduction.
§ 6.04.5005. Multiple permit applications.
§ 6.04.5010. Pre-application conference.
§ 6.04.52. Occupancy clearances.
§ 6.04.5201. Purpose.
§ 6.04.5205. Application.
§ 6.04.5210. Applicability.
§ 6.04.5215. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.54. Home occupation permits.
§ 6.04.5401. Purpose.
§ 6.04.5405. Application.
§ 6.04.5410. Operating standards.
§ 6.04.5415. Prohibited home occupations.
§ 6.04.5420. Permit expiration.
§ 6.04.5425. Revocation.
§ 6.04.5430. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.56. Structure relocation permits.
§ 6.04.5601. Purpose.
§ 6.04.5605. Application.
§ 6.04.5610. Director's action.
§ 6.04.5615. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.58. Temporary use permits.
§ 6.04.5801. Purpose.
§ 6.04.5805. Permitted uses.
§ 6.04.5810. Application.
§ 6.04.5815. Findings.
§ 6.04.5820. Conditions of approval.
§ 6.04.5825. Condition of site following temporary use.
§ 6.04.5830. Revocation.
§ 6.04.5835. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.60. Minor modifications.
§ 6.04.6001. Purpose.
§ 6.04.6005. Application.
§ 6.04.6010. Applicability.
§ 6.04.6015. Applicable Regulations.
§ 6.04.62. Minor variances.
§ 6.04.6201. Purpose.
§ 6.04.6205. Application.
§ 6.04.6210. Applicability.
§ 6.04.6215. Review.
§ 6.04.6220. Hearings and notice.
§ 6.04.6225. Findings.
§ 6.04.6230. Precedents.
§ 6.05.6235. Burden of proof.
§ 6.04.6240. Minor variance expiration.
§ 6.04.6245. Time extension.
§ 6.04.6250. Use of property before final decision.
§ 6.04.6255. Revocation.
§ 6.04.6260. Performance guarantee.
§ 6.04.6265. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.64. Variances.
§ 6.04.6401. Purpose.
§ 6.04.6405. Application.
§ 6.04.6410. Applicability.
§ 6.04.6415. Review.
§ 6.04.6420. Hearings and notice.
§ 6.04.6425. Findings.
§ 6.04.6430. Precedents.
§ 6.04.6435. Burden of proof.
§ 6.04.6440. Variance expiration.
§ 6.04.6445. Time extension.
§ 6.04.6450. Use of property before final decision.
§ 6.04.6455. Revocation.
§ 6.04.6460. Performance guarantee.
§ 6.04.6465. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.66. Development permits.
§ 6.04.6601. Purpose.
§ 6.04.6605. Application.
§ 6.04.6610. Applicability.
§ 6.04.6615. Review.
§ 6.04.6620. Design review procedures.
§ 6.04.6625. Hearings and notice.
§ 6.04.6630. Findings.
§ 6.04.6635. Development permit expiration.
§ 6.04.6640. Use of property before final decision.
§ 6.04.6645. Modification/amendment of development permit.
§ 6.04.6650. Time extension.
§ 6.04.6655. Revocation.
§ 6.04.6660. Performance guarantee.
§ 6.04.6665. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.68. Minor conditional use permits.
§ 6.04.6801. Purpose.
§ 6.04.6805. Application.
§ 6.04.6810. Applicability.(Revised May 28, 1996 per Ord. 96-715)
§ 6.04.6815. Review.
§ 6.04.6820. Hearings and notice.
§ 6.04.6825. Findings.
§ 6.04.6830. Use of property before final decision.
§ 6.04.6835. Minor conditional use permit expiration.
§ 6.04.6840. Time extension.
§ 6.04.6845. Revocation.
§ 6.04.6850. Minor conditional use permit to run with the land.
§ 6.04.6855. Minor conditional use permit time limit of operation.
§ 6.04.6860. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.70. Conditional use permits.
§ 6.04.7001. Purpose.
§ 6.04.7005. Application.
§ 6.04.7010. Review.
§ 6.04.7015. Hearings and notice.
§ 6.04.7020. Findings.
§ 6.04.7025. Use of property before final decision.
§ 6.04.7030. Conditional use permit expiration.
§ 6.04.7035. Modification/amendment of conditional use permit.
§ 6.04.7040. Time extension.
§ 6.04.7045. Revocation.
§ 6.04.7050. Conditional use permit to run with the land.
§ 6.04.7055. Conditional use permit time limit of operation.
§ 6.04.7060. Periodic review.
§ 6.04.7065. Performance guarantee.
§ 6.04.7070. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.72. Specific plans/general plan amendments.
§ 6.04.7201. Purpose.
§ 6.04.7205. Pre-submittal application and conference.
§ 6.04.7210. Content of specific plan application.
§ 6.04.7215. Adoption/amendment/repeal of specific plans.
§ 6.04.7220. General plan amendment screening.
§ 6.04.7225. Hearings and notice.
§ 6.04.7230. Commission action.
§ 6.04.7235. Council action.
§ 6.04.7240. Findings.
§ 6.04.7245. Specific plan consistency.
§ 6.04.7250. Limitation on amendments.
§ 6.04.7255. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.74. Zoning map/ordinance amendments.
§ 6.04.7401. Purpose.
§ 6.04.7405. Hearings and notice.
§ 6.04.7410. Commission action on amendments.
§ 6.04.7415. Council action on amendments.
§ 6.04.7420. Findings.
§ 6.04.7425. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.76. Development agreements.
§ 6.04.7601. Purpose.
§ 6.04.7605. Application.
§ 6.04.7610. Public hearings.
§ 6.04.7615. Content of development agreement.
§ 6.04.7620. Execution and recordation.
§ 6.04.7625. Environmental review.
§ 6.04.7630. Periodic review.
§ 6.04.7635. Effect of development agreement.
§ 6.04.7640. Approved development agreements.
§ 6.04.7645. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.78. Applications and fees.
§ 6.04.7801. Purpose.
§ 6.04.7805. Filing.
§ 6.04.7810. Fees.
§ 6.04.80. Hearings and appeals.
§ 6.04.8001. Purpose.
§ 6.04.8005. Application processing.
§ 6.04.8010. Director's investigation/written report.
§ 6.04.8015. Hearing procedure.
§ 6.04.8020. Notice of decision—Director.
§ 6.04.8025. Notice of decision—Commission.
§ 6.04.8030. Notice of decision—Council.
§ 6.04.8035. Effective date.
§ 6.04.8040. Appeal of action.
§ 6.04.8045. Filing of appeals.
§ 6.04.8050. Notice of appeal hearings.
§ 6.04.8055. Appeal hearings.
§ 6.04.8060. Effective date of appealed actions.
§ 6.04.8065. Reapplication.
§ 6.04.8070. Reconsideration.
§ 6.04.82. Interpretation.
§ 6.04.8201. Purpose.
§ 6.04.8205. Procedure.
§ 6.04.8210. Applicable regulations.
§ 6.04.84. Revocations.
§ 6.04.8401. Purpose.
§ 6.04.8405. Procedure.
§ 6.04.86. Enforcement of provisions.
§ 6.04.8601. Purpose.
§ 6.04.8605. Responsibility.
§ 6.04.8610. Violations.
§ 6.04.8615. Remedies are cumulative.
§ 6.04.8620. Inspection.
§ 6.04.8625. Enforcement fees/fines.